New Probe, Compatible Probe, Acoustic Module
Kangde offers a variety of new probes from Philips.GE.Siemens. a wide range of new compatible probes and new acoustic modules are available With CE 0187 certification and US FDA certification.
Discover the value of quality ultrasound parts, probes and transducers with fanatical support. With access to many leading edge parts for systems and platforms like the Philips iU/iE line, GE Logiq and Voluson series and Philips Epiq series, Kangde is the DIRECT source for all your ultrasound parts needs.
Philips iE33
Philips iU22
Philips HD11xe
Philips Epiq 7
Philips Epiq 5
Philips Affiniti 50
Philips Affiniti 70
GE Logiq 9
GE Logiq E9
GE Logiq E10
GE Logiq P5
GE Logiq S8
GE Voluson 730
GE Vivid E9
GE Vivid S6
GE Voluson E10
GE Voluson S8
GE Voluson E8
GE Voluson P8